Thursday 28 April 2011

Uniting as a Creative Community

B-dekk exists through the collective efforts of many fun people, who have created a vibrant space to facilitate you taking your place within the jewellery making community. 

Our goal is to always have outrageous fun uniting the store with talented designers, instructors, published jewellery makers, long time customers and new one's with a fresh perspective all on the same level. Good ideas and excitement win out as we manifest our collective vision. 

If you are new and curious or an experienced beader, please check us out online or in person, as we always have room to add to the vision and good times!

B-dekk Blogs!

Hello most beautiful friends!
In celebration of the launch of, we have decided to create a blog to encourage all those in the B-dekk sphere to participate! Though our website will definitely be growing, the physical store remains the heart of B-dekk. 

We are currently located at  #104, 180 9th Street N.E. Calgary, Canada. 403-232-6411